Presentation Proposal Form

Submit Your 2025 Presentation Proposal

The premier global event for memory and storage, FMS25 will encompass the most important innovations in solid-state memory and storage technologies, architectures, and applications. Primary presentation categories at FMS25 now number 24, with numerous sub-categories covering a broad scope of technology topics. Opportunities to present include automotive, cold data, computational storage, CXL, design automation, outer space data storage, and UCIe/chiplets topics.

We invite you to use this form to submit a presentation proposal for our consideration. We reserve the right to accept or reject proposals, and to make appropriate edits to talk titles and abstracts.

Submit your presentation proposal NO later than Friday, February 28, 2025.

Willie Nelson
FMS Program Chair
[email protected]

Primary Presenter Information

Company email is preferred

Please do not include Inc, Co, Corp, etc.

Contact Person Information

Provide this information if contact person is different from primary presenter.

Presentation Topic Category

Select at least one category; if necessary, choose a second and possibly third category to better identify your subject matter.

Presentation Details

Please limit to about 9-10 words

Who, if anyone, asked you to submit a presentation?

Who will get the most value from your presentation